Welcome to my Cricut green spot on the planet

I am a self-confessed Cricut Addict with the need for a 12X12 Step Program!! The only thing that takes first place over my Bug is my Granddaughter! If you enjoy the projects please become a follower and leave a comment I LOVE comments!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy First Birthday Darling Boy

Monday marks the birth of my first grandchild. Keaton Lee made his entrance on March 23, 2008. A bit early but we were all so happy to meet him. No one that met him didn't fall instantly in love with him. He had such a HUGE personality. He was our special Easter gift from Heaven above. Excitement was so high but our hearts were guarded with concern for our darling boy. We prayed with all our hearts that his little body would become stronger with each day and that before we knew it we could all hold him in our arms and kiss his tiny fingers. Two days after his birth I met him face to face... My heart was so full of love instantly for him. Didn't matter that there were tubes everywhere he was the most handsome baby boy I had ever seen. Then he reached out and took my finger as I slowly ran my finger along his wrist. That is when he stole my heart and wrapped me around his finger. I knew that no matter what Keaton would always be special to me. There would never be another like him. He is my first grandchild... my first grandson.... as the days passed while he was in the NICU I thought progress was made, to his Nana's unknowing eyes he looked like he was doing so well. On Sunday when I made my visit to his room I was so amazed at how well he looked, his color was good, he seemed to raise his head and I thought how strong he was... as I left the NICU that day I left with assurance that Keaton was ok.. everything was going to be ok... a few short hours later he wasnt ok. ... a few short days later he was not with us any longer. Keaton you are so missed. a year later you are still so loved ... things have happened this year while you were not with us but your presence was noticed... you have been with us everyday... You changed my life. ... You changed my outlook... and You my darling grandson made me want to be a different person. ... made me look at other people in a different light... you changed your old Nana in such a short time. I look at it now and know I failed you in some of those changes... there are things I still want to do to make me a better person. ... forgive me for letting you down in those areas... and now on your birthday I want to take those things up again... this year I want to be a better person yet.... this year I want to change things for the better... Yes Love, you may not have been here in our presence very long... but not a day goes by that you are not thought of and loved dearly and deeply. Nana loves you and I am going to change things this year... each day I am going to remember the fight you fought and the love you brought and the inspiration you taught.... I love you... I remember you... and I honor you... Happy Birthday my strong darling grandson...